
Friday Aug 31, 2018
Podcast Episode 56: Revocation And Revelations From BL Metal Podcast
Friday Aug 31, 2018
Friday Aug 31, 2018
This month H chats to Revocation main man David Davidson. They have a new album out called The Outer Ones and once H tells him how great it is they pretty much move on to talking about social media and YouTube. Next up H catches up with an old friend, well they met in February, Bjorn Larsson. He is the BL in BL metal podcast but also bass player in legendary Swedish underground death metal band God Macabre. They discuss everything from puking on planes to freezing in Portugal. They also talk about the podcast landscape and where it could all be going in the future. Added to this are the usual collection of half baked opinions, accidents, apologies and piss taking that make a bollocast a bollocast. There are also two tracks, one from unsigned A Ritual Spirit and one from reformed Aussie legends Mammal.
This is accent bollocks.

Monday Aug 27, 2018
Bonus Bollocast: Slayer Retirement Special Part Two
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
In this second part H catches up with old friend, creator of the term "Thrash Metal" and legendary Kerrang! scribe Malcolm Dome. They discuss all things Slayer and Malcolm offers some interesting views on their legacy. Then, on Malcolm\'s suggestion H catches up with ex Kerrang! writer Xavier Russell. He expands on the early days of Slayer and reminds us all what a big leap forwards Haunting The Chapel EP was.
This Is Part Two Bollocks.

Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Bonus Bollocast: Slayer Retirement Special Part One
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
In part one H is joined by Slayer biographer Joel McIver, author of two Slayer books DX Ferris and comedian, metal historian and heavy metal comedian Andrew O\'Neil. All topics are covered, legacy, impact and is this really the end?
This Is Part One Bollocks.

Monday Jul 30, 2018
Monday Jul 30, 2018
This month H catches up with costumer to the stars Kim Dylla. She has made stage outfits for everyone from Alice Cooper to King Diamond, Machine Head to Kreator. Added to that she was a full time member of GWAR for a year, so this is a multi ranging chat.Next up is former Metal Hammer scribe and old friend Mark Day. H and Mark catch up since the last time they spoke 20 years ago and cover all things metal, Burning Man and Dad rock. Throw in some unexpected wandering rants, opinions, pontificating and even an apology and you have this months installment of a man in the middle of a mission. That mission being to talk bollocks.
This Is New Word Bollocks.

Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Bonus Podcast: Contract In Blood UK Thrash Special Bollocast
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
In a Bollocast special H sits down with UK thrash historian, guitarist, bass player and creator of the book Contract In Blood, Ian Glasper. The boys talk their way all through the creation of the project, bands who could not be tracked down, crazy stories, his own experience of UK thrash and future projects.There is also music from Scimitar, Drunken State and Slammer.
This Is UK Big Four Bollocks.

Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
This month H finally catches up with long time friend and Dark Angel bass player Mike Gonzalez. They talk old times, what DA are up to and also Mike drops a WORLD EXCLUSIVE into the interview. Next up is Marko from Swedish heavyweights The Crown. H and Marko immediately find out they have a mutual friend and off they go covering a plethora of topics from cancelled gigs and the recording of new The Crown album to how to get the right work family band balance.There is also a fair amount of incoherent opinions, ranting, muddled words, piss taking and an apology to all of you. Throw in the new single from UK Thrash legends Satan and you have got yourself a Bollocast.
This Is Exclusive Bollocks.

Wednesday May 30, 2018
Podcast Episode 53: Twitter Friends Doc Coyle And Godless
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
This month H catches up with two Twitter buddies. First up is long time friend of the show, former podcaster and talker of all things bollix himself Godless. They talk about, well the usual kind of stuff.Next up is former God Forbid, current Bad Wolves guitarist and podcaster Doc Coyle. They chat about career decisions, touring and multi tasking among other things. Be sure to check out his X Men podcast which is nothing to do with the X Men by the way.This is all topped off with H rebuking himself, being unusually kind to Dave Mustaine AND Gene Simmons as well as new music from previously defunked bands.
This Is Shoulder Ligament Bollocks.

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Podcast Episode 52: Seeds Of Death
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
This month sees H catch up with friend, former Atom Seed and Bruce Dickinson band bass player and the man who started the Scream For Me Sarajevo movie in motion, Chris Dale. In a lengthy chat they talk about the film, life on the road, egos, beer and Bruce of course!Next up are old friends Pete and Steve from Lawnmower Deth. Recorded not long after they graced the stage at this years Lords Of The Land festival in Glasgow. They ramble about getting old, new material and THAT single with Kim Wilde.Throw in the usual mix of unwanted advice, tangents, rants, moaning and abuse and there it is a typical TB episode. Also featuring a track from Between The Buried And Me its all here in spectacular disarray.
This is Puppy Bollocks.

Friday Mar 30, 2018
Podcast Episode 51: H Meets Akercocke
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Friday Mar 30, 2018
This month H went to Akercocke rehearsals and then they all went to the pub.In this long and wide ranging chat just about every topic gets touched on. They start out talking about the very start of the thrash scene, the inception of Akercocke, Death Metal, tape trading, mental health, touring, meeting favourite musicians, Blacky of Voivod running away a lot, you name it these boys touch on it in a very entertaining interview.Added to this there are warnings, reviews, opinions, songs and a meeting with Gene Simmons and his marketing team.
This Is Pub Bollocks.

Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Bonus Podcast: The Beyond Road Trip Special
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
H and Godless hit the road and drive from London to Derby to see The Beyond perform their one and only reformation show. You travel with them as they discuss everything from religion to eating habits on the way there. Then at one hour twelve mins you get a one hour interview with The Beyond covering the old days the lack of plans for the future and listen to H struggle to deal with the fact they only played together once back in the day. After that its another hour on the road home the following day with H and Godless talking movies, the previous nights show and a load of other rubbish.
This Is Road Trip Bollocks.